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Nebraska Women in Higher Education Leadership

Bylaws (amended April 21, 2015)


Article I:  Name

The name of this organization is the Nebraska Women in Higher Education Leadership (NWHEL).  NWHEL is an affinity group of the ACE Women’s Network, a project of the Inclusive Excellence Group of the American Council on Education.


Article II:  Mission and Purpose

  •  The mission of NWHEL is to advance women’s careers and leadership in Nebraska higher education.

  • NWHEL accomplishes this mission in Nebraska’s colleges and universities by:

  • Creating a network of women in higher education leadership positions;

  • Providing professional development opportunities for women in Nebraska’s colleges and universities;

  • Promoting the visibility, recognition, and advancement of women qualified by education, experience, and personal characteristics for leadership positions in higher education;

  • Sponsoring workshops, conferences, and other activities that provide professional development opportunities for women in higher education;

  • Sponsoring awards recognizing outstanding individuals who have advanced the cause of women in higher education.

  •  NWHEL is committed to supporting diversity in Nebraska’s higher education leadership with regard to race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and/or disability.


Article III:  Membership

 Membership is open to anyone with a commitment to advancing women’s leadership in higher education in Nebraska.  The membership process and the setting of any dues is determined by the Board of Directors.


Article IV:  Sponsorship

  •  Sponsorship and donations, along with revenue generated from programming, provides financial support for the organization.

  • Sponsorship shall be open to all colleges and universities in Nebraska that are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

  • Sponsorship will coincide with the fiscal year from July 1 to June 30.


Article V:  Governance Structure

  •  Board of Directors:  The Board of Directors shall consist of institutional representatives from Nebraska colleges and universities.  Insofar as possible, directors should represent the regional and institutional diversity of higher education in the State of Nebraska.

  •  Duties:  The Board designates committees, plans and oversees the organizational budget, approves expenditures, and serves as the public voice for the organization.  Each director assumes responsibility for planning the annual state conference and workshops, communication, and institutional sponsorship solicitation.

  • Terms:  Institutional representatives are appointed by their respective institutions and serve at the pleasure of those institutions.

  • Meetings:  The Board of Directors has at least two in-person meetings per year and additional meetings as needed.

  •  Officers:  From among the Board membership, the Board of Directors elects organizational officers:  President, President Elect, Communication Coordinator, and Treasurer.  These four officers constitute the Executive Committee.

  •  President:  The President serves as state liaison to the ACE Women’s Network and serves with the President-elect as annual conference co-chair.  The President has such duties, responsibilities, and powers as may be necessary to carry out the directions and policies of the Board of Directors and is subject to the policies, control, and direction of the Board of Directors.  The President may sign and execute, in the name of the organization, any instrument or document consistent with the foregoing general delegation of authority or any other instrument or document specifically authorized by the Board of Directors.  The President shall maintain the organizational archives.

  • President Elect:  The President Elect shall share in the duties of the President as needed and will serve with the President as the conference co-chair.  In the absence of the President, the President Elect performs the duties of the President.  When so acting, the President Elect has all the powers of, and is subject to all the restrictions on, the President.  The President Elect shall succeed the President.

  • Communication Coordinator:  The Communication Coordinator ensures that minutes are taken at all meetings and emailed to the Board of Directors within 14 days for approval.  The Communication Coordinator is responsible for archiving all meeting minutes.  The Communication Coordinator is also responsible for dissemination of information to members, for maintaining the organization’s website and mailing lists, for coordinating marketing of the organization’s activities, and for disseminating press releases on organizational news as appropriate.

  • Treasurer:  The Treasurer has charge and custody of, and is responsible for, all funds and securities of the organization.  The Treasurer keeps and maintains adequate and correct accounts of the organization’s assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains, losses, capital and surplus.  This officer renders interim statements of the condition of the finances of the organization to the Board of Directors upon request and a full financial report annually.  The Treasurer receives revenue and makes payments as necessary.

  • Terms:  Officers are elected by the Board in the fall for a term of two years.  The President is asked to serve formally as Past President for at least one year, even if this means staying on the Board for an additional year beyond the end of the current term.  The Board may elect officers to fill vacancies for the remainder of unexpired terms.


Article V:  Decision-Making Process

A quorum is constituted when a majority of the Board, including the President or President Elect, is present.  Decisions of the Board of Directors will be made by consensus whenever possible.  When consensus is impossible, a simple majority of those members present will prevail.  The Executive Committee is authorized to make decisions in time-sensitive matters.


Article VI:  Communication

  •  The official source of communication for the organization is the website.

  • NWHEL announcements may be emailed to target groups, which are updated annually.  These groups include but are not limited to:  Board of Directors, NWHEL listserv (past participants in NWHEL conferences and workshops), and all colleges and universities in the state of Nebraska.

Article VII:  Programming

  •  NWHEL sponsors workshops, conferences, and other activities that provide professional development opportunities for women in higher education.

  • NWHEL sponsors awards recognizing outstanding individuals who have advanced the cause of women in higher education.


Article VIII:  Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.  The amendment(s) shall have been proposed to the Board in writing at least 30 days prior to the time of voting.


Article IX:  Dissolution

Upon dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes.


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